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St Gabriel's CofE Academy

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Assessment and Performance


The assessment of our pupils has several important purposes:

  • Provide information for Teachers and Leaders which constantly improves the pitch and personalisation of learning so that children make enhanced progress and the standard of attainment rises;
  • Identify a child’s level of attainment in relation to age-related expectations; and in relation to prior-attainment;
  • Provide information for target setting for individuals, groups and cohorts;
  • Engage children in their learning journey by providing them with information on their strengths and areas for development;
  • Identify the need for intervention and alternative approaches to learning;
  • Inform parents, governors and outside agencies of children’s progress and attainment;
  • Demonstrate the standards achieved by the school on which we are held to account;
  • Inform our school self-evaluation and school improvement planning;

In practice, this consists of:

  • Termly assessments across curriculum subjects with reporting, tracking and evaluating the results of these.
  • Taking part in Statutory National assessments – EYFS profile at the end of Reception; Phonic screening in the June of Year 1; SATs during the May of Year 2 and Year 6.
  • Termly parent consultations and reporting.

The above is in addition to the daily informal formative assessment and feedback practices of the school.

School Performance

Statutory Performance

As St Gabriel’s opened in 2018, Key Stage Two results from that year are from a very small cohort of children. 100% of these children spent less than 12% of their primary school career at St Gabriel’s. With the vast majority of their education to that point established elsewhere, the results are not attributable to the progress these children made at St Gabriel’s.

Due to school restrictions during the Pandemic, there are no Key Stage Two results from 2019/2020 or 2020/2021

2021/2022 Results are listed below

Ofsted Reports


Ofsted Report

St Gabriel’s recieved its first Ofsted inspection in  February 2023

Results 2022

End of Reception: Good Level of Development National (2019) St Gabriel’s 2022
All (48) 72



Year 1: Phonics Screening Check National (2019) St Gabriel’s 2022
All (30) 82



Year 2: Phonics Screening Check National (2019) St Gabriel’s 2022
All (30) 92



End of KS1 (Year 2): Reading Writing Maths
All (30) National(2019) St Gabriel’s 2022 National(2019) St Gabriel’s 2022 National(2019) St Gabriel’s 2022
Expected Standard + 75 80 70 83 80 90
Greater Depth 26 30 16 23 25 37


End of KS2 (Year 6): Reading Writing Maths
All (32) National(2022) St Gabriel’s 2022 National(2022) St Gabriel’s 2022 National(2022) St Gabriel’s 2022
Expected Standard + 74 88 69 81 71 91
Greater Depth 47 34 38


End of KS2 (Year 6): RWM Combined Grammar Punctuation and Spelling
All (32) National(2022) St Gabriel’s 2022 National(2022) St Gabriel’s 2022
Expected Standard + 59 78 72 81
Greater Depth 25 38