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St Gabriel's CofE Academy

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Remote Education Provision:

Information for parents

More than ever over the past couple of years, learning at home has been crucial to helping our pupils to maximise their progress. At St Gabriel’s, we use a variety of resources to help children and families continue their learning at home, both through regular homework or during periods of school closure or times when children cannot attend.

  • All Children and families have access to online learning platforms; Seesaw for Early Years and Tapestry from Year 1-6
  • These platforms are where learning activities are shared, teachers can set and view work and provide feedback on these platforms
  • Depending on age, children can practise key skills using online learning apps; Maths Shed, Spelling Shed, Read Theory, Times Tables Rockstars.
  • Children are given physical resources to support learning at home; for example, sound and word cards, phonic books, reading books, worksheets, exercise books and writing materials.